Hello from COP26 in Glasgow!

After 3 days here, it’s still stunning to be surrounded by extraordinary people from literally everywhere, making change at all levels. Urgency and hope go hand in hand in each session I attend and connection I make.
It was so exciting to hear from Gina McCarthy and John Kerry, to spot Leonardo DiCaprio and other internationally recognized figures. Yet it’s the energy of individuals launching, sharing, and activating their plans for today and the future that carry the most excitement for me.
Yesterday, I was part of the launch of US ACE Coalition. Action for Climate Empowerment has big plans for community engagement and education that prioritizes listening equity. The US ACE Coalition knows that positive change is made by centering equity and listening to those most impacted by climate change and water issues. Elevating and implementing their ideas with community-led projects and solutions will create solutions with real impact. This is group is ready for action!
The Wild Center’s Jen Kretser focuses on how museums and cultural centers -deeply trusted institutions, can step up and shift the narrative through their programming and community interactions. I was able to attend a session with her and learn how they teach, shift thinking and culture, and foster community change in unique and meaningful ways to create a groundswell of support for climate initiatives. So, let’s see it!
Wednesday’s focus for many sessions was on how to finance the necessary large scale shifts. And while details still need to be hashed out, large steps are being taken in the right direction with government and private funding.
I attended a US briefing that updated us on commitments made so far at COP26 and listened with joy, and also questions, to reports about cutting methane and reducing deforestation. The President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE), has big plans to help vulnerable communities adapt to and manage climate impacts.
There are many key aspects to work out still. How will communities be engaged and funding be distributed in an equitable and efficient manner? How will youth be given a seat at the decision making table? My question at the briefing session went unanswered about youth engagement yet, supporting youth to create the future they want to inhabit is critical to all planning. I look forward to facilitating this however I can.
Yes, the lines are long at COP26, and sessions are limited in space. But inspiration runs high at every turn, even as we snake through the long entry queues. And I am in fantastic company as I wait – conversing with others who share a deeply held commitment to the betterment our current climate situation. It actually makes the time spent in these lines worthwhile.