Many people find it overwhelming and many would rather not think about the huge issues humanity faces – the problems are quite daunting and people feel alone in their “isolated” actions. What happens when we bring those isolated people and actions together? And what if they’re teens?
I facilitate #teen #waterleaders in a newly formed group #WaterSolutionaries, across the N. American #GreatLakes and #AfricanGreatLakes, so I asked them about what’s works for them when it comes to solving huge world problems. They told me that our “peer-to-peer” conversations are a #gamechanger for them. One teen said that social media is continuous scrolling without a real opportunity to make change happen. But talking to other people, that makes it real.
Hold on. Conversations with actual humans? Yes. Not #instagram or #tiktok #socialmedia videos and motion graphics, but conversations with other teens working on similar and sometimes very different water solutions. At our meetings, we share stories about what they’re working on or want ideas and support for. And these teens are interested in solving BIG problems in their communities, like pollution, sanitation, access. So it’s not light chitchat.
Where I see strong energy in the discussions is when they share their ideas with each other and offer peer support and accountability. They see issues differently through each other’s eyes. Things that seemed far off suddenly take on more urgency when they impact someone you care about. They make connections. And they come back week after week to check in with each other and offer ideas and support. It’s a conversation, and it’s about relationships. It sounds simple, but in some ways it’s revolutionary. And it’s one of the elements that that’s making a difference in teen #waterleadership.
Now how do we scale peer-to-peer teen conversations enough to help solve what’s ahead? We need everyone for #cleanwaterforall – especially teens who will inhabit this planet far into the future.