African Center for Aquatic Research and Education
Advisory Group Development: We’ve laid groundwork for African-led advisory groups for the seven African Great Lakes, which is 25% of the world’s surface freshwater and includes 10 countries. Next phases will see projects across multiple lakes and an expanded learning and action network across the the African Great Lakes. Learn More
Photo credit: ACARE

African Women in Science Leadership: We’ve launched a transformative and uplifting program for early-career African women scientists from the African Great Lakes region working on freshwater issues.
Africa Great Lakes Issue Prioritization: We worked with advisory groups on the 7 African Great Lakes to identify the priority issues and proposed solutions for these lakes.
See our co-authored paper on African Great Lakes collaboration – Advancing Africa’s great lakes research and academic potential: Answering the call for harmonized, long-term, collaborative networks and partnerships.
Water Solutionaries
Teen Water Changemakers: Zephyr Mangata is creating and facilitating a transformative water-centered experience for 13-17 year old global changemakers. The program enhances global learning, creates connections and channels teen energy into positive, youth-generated water solutions. This project initially engages youth in the North American and African Great Lakes regions. Learn more
Photo credit: Stephanie Smith

Drink Local Drink Tap
Educational Changemaker: We led a team to create a set of local to global tools to teach water and climate concepts for the Wavemaker program. Key concepts include eco footprints, climate as water, water as a human right, environmental justice, and intersectionality. This is activating and amplifying youth and educator voices to make a difference in the world. Learn More

Photo credit: Drink Local Drink Tap
Freshwater Future
Board Consulting: We developed a plan to connect and energize board members for robust participation. After talking with board members, we identified themes and a list of ways to address them. Themes included: Strengthening Connections, Balancing the Give and the Get, Making Progress Visible, Clarifying Growth Direction. Learn More

Photo credit: Stephanie Smith
Global Water Works
Network Development: Zephyr Managata advises the leadership of this network of 1400+ water professionals. We facilitate collaboration and online gatherings through presentations, facilitated group discussions and network interactions.

Photo credit: Stacey Waldspurger
WaterRising Institute
Strategy and Facilitation: We developed a plan for a real-time drinking water monitoring hub and coordinated: Water and Women on Wall Street, an event with 35 global water technology businesses, investors and other water professionals. With an emphasis on environmental justice and water equity, we hosted film screenings for the film Flint: the Poisoning of an American City. This included panel discussions with the director, producer and Flint community members.

Photo credit: Stephanie Smith